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When mentioning "summer" is rarely anyone thinking about learning and school-related activities. But besides the beauties given to each student's favored yearly anniversaries, I also found time for the Summer School of Entrepreneurship in which I learned a lot of knowledge and skills related to entrepreneurship and economics. Part of the lectures were taught by volunteers in English from Italy, the Philippines, and America. It makes me especially happy that I had the opportunity to have contact with such personalities as Andrea, David and Miranda.

In my opinion, every high school student should listen to the hours of mediation and how to solve problems. In such a situation, in an argument, I accidentally found myself where I had the opportunity to find myself in the role of a mediator.

Another opportunity to spend a summer holiday different. Summer party with many high school's  students through the USAID project where I had the opportunity to be involved in the arts team.

Informatics and Dabar.

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